[slf4j-user] How to debug sl4j

Farrukh Najmi farrukh at wellfleetsoftware.com
Thu Oct 23 02:54:58 CEST 2008


My project currently uses JCL. I have this strange problem where I can 
control log4j messages for hibernate via log4j.properties
in my deployed servlet but cannot do the same for my junit tests that 
run via maven-surefire-plugin.

Reading up I learned about JCLs extreme vulnerability to classloader 
hacks and how it can behave oddly under different classloader situations.
So I decided to give slj4j a try.

I followed instruction for gradual migration here:


In my modules pom I added the following dependencies:


The good thing is that I now seem to get exactly the same log output 
that I did before.
However, I was expecting the missing hibernate log messages to start 
appearing but they
did not.

I had assumed that since the same log4j.properties file works in the 
servlet but does not work
in the junit test that the problem must be classloader related and that 
using sl4j would fix it.

I did not get the anticipated joy.

Would a kind soul guide me as to what I should try next?

TIA for your help.

Farrukh Najmi

Web: http://www.wellfleetsoftware.com

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