[slf4j-user] Tailoring what logs

Russell Bateman russ at windofkeltia.com
Fri Oct 24 19:27:07 CEST 2008

I'm new to /slf4j/.

I am uninterested in /log4j /historicity and migrating from that system. 
I am having a hard time sorting through the logging-system 
migration-slanted documentation. It seems to me that there is very 
little /slf4j /documentation, but a lot of "you're coming to /slf4j 
/from /log4j /or from somewhere else" documentation which, in my haste, 
confuses me.

This said, I simply would like to know what the equivalent of 
/PropertyConfigurator /is. I need to tailor /slf4j /logging just as I 
would /log4j/, but, as I say, I'm not interested in using /slf4j /to 
imitate /log4j/, I just want to do it the "native" /slf4j /way and it's 
my impression that the /slf4j/ doc is contaminated by the previous 
popular logging systems.

Maybe my question is naive or even stupid. I was just hoping for a 
really quick start that goes just one step beyond the /Wombat /example. 
Like the quick-start I got from /log4j/ back when I learned how to use 
that--some more ambitious code than the Wombat example.

Thanks in advance for any response and best regards,

Russ Bateman
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