[slf4j-user] compiling slfj4 -Test org.slf4j.VersionMi, smatchTest failed

zoro general at ccc2.com
Wed Oct 21 12:34:43 CEST 2009

yes sources from the 1.5.8 distribution & 1.5.9-rc0 distro as well
have never heard of maven b4 today, I DL'd and extracted but have not 
worked out how to use it yet (very little documentation for noobs)
to compile I was going into the slf4j/slf4j-1.5.8/integration/ folder 
then calling ant

then the errors come up


Ceki Gulcu wrote:
> Hello,
> What is your set up? Where do you get the SLF4J sources? Is it from 
> git? From an slf4j distribution? From your message, it seems that you 
> get the sources from the 1.5.8 distribution.  If so, how are you 
> trying to compile slf4j?
> You have mentioned ant but not Maven. Are you using Maven?
> zoro wrote:
>> hello,
>> I am trying to compile slfj4 to use with red 5. when I use
>> /integration/build.xml -> [$user] ant
>> the following error occurs
>> slf4j/slf4j-1.5.8/integration/build.xml:64: Test 
>> org.slf4j.VersionMismatchTest failed
>> I have tried unit 3.8.1 & 4.7
>> any ideas please?
>> Debian Linux version 4.1.1
>> Apache Ant version 1.7.1 compiled on June 27 2008
>> java version "1.6.0_16"
>> Thanks
>> Art

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