[slf4j-user] Release of SLF4J version 1.5.9-RC0

ekkehard ekkehard at gentz-software.de
Sat Sep 5 13:21:01 CEST 2009

CAL10N sounds great...

I can use it together with parameterized messages like 'normal' logging 
with SLF4J ?
locLogger.info(MY_ENUM_KEY, getName(), getXYZ())
where the value of MY_ENUM_KEY is
"This is a log message from {} using {} and so on"

is performance same as using 'normal' SLF4J parameterized messages if 
depending from level nothging has to be logged ?


Ceki Gulcu schrieb:
> September 4th, 2009 - Release of SLF4J 1.5.9-RC0
> Hello all,
> I am proud to announce the immediate availability of SLF4J version
> 1.5.9-RC), consisting of bug fixes and minor enhancements. It is
> totally compatible with SLF4J version 1.5.8. However, the slf4j-ext
> module ships with a new package called org.slf4j.cal10n which adds
> localized/internationalized logging support as a thin layer built upon
> the CAL10N API.
> Please refer to the the news page for precise details.
>   http://www.slf4j.org/news.html
> You can download SLF4J, including full source code, class files and
> documentation on our download page, shown below.
>    http://www.slf4j.org/download.html
> You can receive SLF4J related announcements by subscribing to the
> SLF4J announce mailing list. To subscribe to SLF4J-announce list,
> please visit the following URL.
>    http://www.slf4j.org/mailman/listinfo/announce


ekke (ekkehard gentz)
independent software-architect
senior erp-consultant
eclipse | osgi | equinox | mdsd | oaw | emf | uml
max-josefs-platz 30, D-83022 rosenheim, germany
mailto:ekke at ekkes-corner.org
homepage (de): http://gentz-software.de
blog (en): http://ekkes-corner.org
twitter: @ekkescorner
skype: ekkes-corner
Steuer-Nr: 156/220/30931 FA Rosenheim, UST-ID: DE189929490

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