[slf4j-user] Missing Log4j Messages

Ceki Gülcü ceki at qos.ch
Thu Aug 25 11:16:24 CEST 2011

Hi Chris,

Sorry for not replying earlier. You don't need logback-access.jar on 
your project's class path. Logback-access is for http-access logging.

Is it possible that logging is disabled (thorough 
logback.xml/logback.groovy configuration) for the packages or classes 
invoking log4j logging?

What does your config file look like?

On 27/07/2011 7:16 PM, Chris Pratt wrote:
> I am in the process of switching our massive project over from a
> collection of disjointed loggers (Log4j, JUL, JCL...) to SLF4j with a
> Logback engine.  I've gotten everything to work, except my Log4j
> messages don't actually end up in the log file.
> I've removed all instances of log4j*.jar and commons-logging*.jar and
> replaced them with:
>   * jcl-over-slf4j-1.6.1.jar
>   * jul-to-slf4j-1.6.1.jar
>   * log4j-over-slf4j-1.6.1.jar
>   * slf4j-api-1.6.1.jar
>   * logback-access-0.9.29.jar
>   * logback-classic-0.9.29.jar
>   * logback.core-0.9.29.jar
> I'm fairly confident I've removed all the jar files with log4j in their
> names from the vicinity.  Now I'm definitely seeing Commons Logging
> statements in the log file.  I'm pretty sure I'm seeing the
> java.util.logging statements as well, but I'm definitely not seeing the
> Log4j statements.  What could be eating these statements without any
> warnings or errors?
>    (*Chris*)

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