[slf4j-user] Asynchronous SMTPAppender

Joe Wang jwang at io-works.com
Tue Jan 17 17:17:27 CET 2012


I see in the docs (http://logback.qos.ch/manual/appenders.html) it  
says "SMTP email transmission (sending) is performed asynchronously".   
I'm looking on grepcode.com at version 1.2.25.  I can't see how it is  
sending asynchronously.

void append(LoggingEvent event) {

void sendBuffer() {

public static void send(Message msg, Address[] addresses) throws  
MessagingException {
	send0(msg, addresses);

private static void send0(Message msg, Address[] addresses) throws  
MessagingException {
	 * Optimize the case of a single protocol.
	if (dsize == 1) {
	    transport = s.getTransport(addresses[0]);
	    try {
		transport.sendMessage(msg, addresses);
	    } finally {

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