[slf4j-user] Lilith 0.9.42 has been released!

Joern Huxhorn jhuxhorn at googlemail.com
Mon Mar 12 02:10:50 CET 2012

Download it now at

Lilith 0.9.42 - Release Notes

- tail and cat are now fully supporting both LoggingEvent and
- Restored Logback SocketAppender in Lilith logging configuration. It's
  now triggered during debug actions, again.
- Added support for new Java SE 7 try-with-resources statement
  suppressed Throwables.
- After many runs that replace opened log file, Updating task failed
  with "Negative seek offset"
- Added "Focus..." and "Exclude..." menus to popup.
- "Edit", "Copy..." and "Filter..." menus are only enabled if it makes
- Added "Copy event as JSON" and "Copy event as XML".
- Added lilith.timestamp.milliseconds system property.
- Preventing multiple warning log-entries in case of broken groovy files
  (detailsView.groovy, Conditions, ClipboardFormatter).
  Instead, a warning is only emitted once for every file change.
  Instances aren't recreated in that case, either, so this
  also enhances the performance and lowers the CPU usage during
  general use.
- Views are now properly updated upon preferences change.
- Added option for "wrapped exception style" in details view.
- Changed NDC to use varargs.
- Added nottingham-draft HTTP status codes.
- Relaxed namespace handling of all XML readers.
  This enables retrieval of old (1.3) Lilith XML Events.
- All KeyStrokes are now managed globally. This includes validation of
  the used KeyStrokes which detected some mistakes:
  - "Close all tabs." is now Ctrl+Alt+Shift+W.
  - "Find previous active match" is now Ctrl+L.
  - "Find next active match" is now Ctrl+Shift+L.
- "Copy Throwable" does now have the shortcut "command shift alt T".
- SLF4J 1.6.4, Logback 1.0.1, Groovy 1.8.6, commons-lang 3.0.1,
  protobuf-java 2.4.1, jackson 1.9.2, jcommander 1.23,
  aspectj 1.6.11, cglib 2.2.2, httpclient 4.1.2, httpcore 4.1.3,
  commons-codec 1.5, JUnit 4.10, Spring 3.1.1.RELEASE

Known Issues:
- Flying Saucer related issues:
  - Selection in the HTML view is currently somewhat buggy, especially
    in case of scaled view.
  - The first line of the message in HTML view is not properly indented
    if it starts with whitespace. You can see this effect by examining
    the event created by LogPinupLargeRunnable (executed via "Log
    The HTML created is actually correct.
  - Jumping to anchors is currently not supported so the navigation in
    help and details view isn't as good as it could be.
- Lilith may hang during startup while creating the preferences dialog.
  Just restart Lilith in that rare case.
  This is caused by Java bug #6995182 and I can't do anything about it.
  Sorry about it.
  It's a stupid Java-MediaTracker-ColorChooser-Bug with no workaround

This release changes detailsView.groovy in a way incompatible with
previous versions!

If you switch back to a previous version, you must reset this file.
Simply execute "Preferences" => "Troubleshooting" =>
"Reinitialize details view files." in that case.

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