[slf4j-user] Lilith 8.0.0 has been released!

Jörn Huxhorn jhuxhorn at googlemail.com
Sun Nov 15 23:12:40 UTC 2015

On 15. November 2015 at 21:54:59, Joachim Durchholz (jo at durchholz.org)
> Am 15.11.2015 um 20:55 schrieb Jörn Huxhorn:
> > Keep in mind that Java SE 7 End of Public Updates has already been
> That's not too relevant actually.
> Oracle offers paid support for Java 7 until at least 2019, for those who
> spend the extra buck until 2022.
> Also, openjdk will live (i.e. get security fixes) until the last LTS
> distribution phases their openjdk7 packages out.
> That said, I don't question any decisions for Lilith itself.
> I just don't want to see that "meh it's End of Public Updates" line
> widely adopted - not on its own anyway.

I wouldn’t have done that cut if 0.9.44 wasn’t compatible, to be honest.

But given that this is the case, I dared to switch to Java 8 to get rid of
some cruft.

Lilith is an application (vs. a library) with no direct influence on the
logged apps so everyone should be able to live with this.

Up until now, Lilith was still compatible with Java 5*. I kind of like that
Oracle is pushing for faster update cycles like they do.


* I could still offer paid support, tehehe.
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