[slf4j-user] slf4j-api, OSGi and BndTools in Eclipse
Ceki Gulcu
ceki at qos.ch
Fri Feb 26 10:20:53 UTC 2016
Ho Roberto,
The contents of slf4j-api/src/main/resources/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
Export-Package: org.slf4j;version=${parsedVersion.osgiVersion},
org.slf4j.impl;version=${slf4j.api.minimum.compatible.version} is the
current version.
The org.slf4j.impl;version could be any version in the 1.6.x and 1.7.x
where ${slf4j.api.minimum.compatible.version} is 1.6.0 and
On 2/26/2016 10:44, Roberto Pierpaoli wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm using slf4j-api v.1.7.16 in one of my OSGi-based projects: BndTools
> is an Eclipse Plugin that I use for rapid testing (it handles many OSGi
> implementations, really easying the procedure of deploying the code into
> them and launching the runtime).
> Before launching the runtime, BndTools performs an auto-resolve routine
> to pre-populate the environment with all the needed JARs: in my case it
> resolves slf4j-api v.1.7.16 as requested by my code, but **also
> slf4j-api v.1.6.2 as requested by slf4j-api v.1.7.16 itself**...
> When running the runtime, an error occurs, since 2 JARs are found
> exposing the same packages and this is ambiguous inside an OSGi environment.
> Exploring the JARs I have noticed that slf4j-api v1.7.16 declares an
> explicit dependency its manifest towards the following package:
> Import-Package: org.slf4j.impl;version=1.6.0
> is this normal?
> May be this the reason why also slf4j-api v.1.6.2 is resolved by
> BndTools and thus both the JARs are included?
> Thanks for any contribution,
> Roberto
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