[slf4j-user] slf4j-logs has no replacement for org.apache.log4j.jmx.HierarchyDynamicMBean

Ceki Gulcu ceki at qos.ch
Fri Mar 4 17:15:39 UTC 2016

On 3/4/2016 17:26, Stevo Slavić wrote:
> Hello slf4j community,
> In Kafka binary distribution I tried to replace log4j with
> slf4j-log4j bridge and logback. I thought slf4j-log4j bridge is drop in
> replacement for everything in log4j - seems I was wrong.

The slf4j-log4j is an adapter module that sends SLF4J calls to log4j. 
Since you are using logback, you probably mean log4j-over-slf4j [1]
which is only a partial replacement for log4j.

Starting Kafka
> works fine. Starting ZooKeeper using Kafka's shell scripts doesn't work
> - ZooKeeper startup throws:
> java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/log4j/jmx/HierarchyDynamicMBean
> It seems slf4j-log4j bridge doesn't have
> org.apache.log4j.jmx.HierarchyDynamicMBean replacement. Or am I doing
> something wrong?

No, log4j-over-slf4j does not emulate classes in org.apache.log4j.jmx 

> Kind regards,
> Stevo Slavic.

[1] http://slf4j.org/legacy.html#log4j-over-slf4j

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