[slf4j-user] What is the correct jcl-over-slf4j license?

Michiel Haisma michiel.haisma at oracle.com
Tue May 15 18:11:36 CEST 2018

Hi Ceki, Joachim,

Thank you for your responses.

 > Given that jcl-over-slf4j is based to a large extent on 
commons-logging, it is licensed under the Apache License as attested by 
the LICENCE.TXT file under jcl-over-slf4j/ folder in the source code and 
every java file under jcl-over-slf4j/.

Your point about commons-logging was also what I was thinking, but I 
thought I made sure to be correct in this matter.

 > Maven logic cannot override legal logic.

Obviously not, but many tools use this information to inform users under 
what license they can use something, and I perhaps not everyone goes 
digging through repositories for additional, or overwriting license files.

 > If it is a reference, and if you redistribute only one component, then
you need to obey just that component's license.

I assume by this you mean that for just using this component, only 
references the parent by reference, and not by inclusion.

Thanks for the advice, much appreciated.

Michiel Haisma

Views are my own and do not necessarily reflect the views of Oracle.

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