[slf4j-user] Release of SLF4J version 2.0.9

Erik van Oosten e.vanoosten at grons.nl
Tue Sep 5 09:08:51 CEST 2023

Hi Ceki,

Since startup time is a pretty important for services running in a cloud 
environment, can you say more about roughly how much time could be won 
by this feature? Just an order of magnitude would be great.

Kind regards,

Op 03-09-2023 om 18:49 schreef Ceki Gülcü via slf4j-user:
> Moreover, the "slf4j.provider" system property bypasses the service 
> loader mechanism for finding providers and may shorten SLF4J 
> initialization.

Erik van Oosten
e.vanoosten at grons.nl

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