[logback-user] Log context based log splitting in SocketServer

Ceki Gulcu ceki at qos.ch
Mon Mar 23 16:20:00 CET 2009

Hello Rick,

Interesting request which I would like to develop further. Could you please 
enter a jira issue requesting this feature in logback-classic? Once that is 
done, I will be happy to continue this discussion within jira.


Rick Janda wrote:
> Hello everybody,
> I have the following setup:
> I have several web applications running in the same Tomcat instance.
> The JNDIContextSelector is used to give every deployed webapp its own logging context. 
> With this setup it's quite easy to create separate log files for every deployed webapp locally.
> Now comes the point, where I could need your help.
> Some logging events shall be transmitted to a SocketServer and be split there again on several log files depending on their log context.
> I tried to setup a filter for this purpose in the SocketServer configuration but it couldn't find any means to access the logging context name from the LoggingEvent. 
> Is their any other way to split the logging events in the SocketServer based on their source webapp?
> Thanks in advance for your help,
> Rick

Ceki Gülcü
Logback: The reliable, generic, fast and flexible logging framework for Java.

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