[logback-user] Introducing Whisper - a suppression capable logback appender

Karthik Abram karthik at eclecticlogic.com
Mon Jan 13 14:29:35 CET 2014

Hello Logback users,

    I wanted to make you all aware of a new Logback appender that I have released called Whisper. Whisper is a delegating appender that can suppress error messages when they exceed a configured threshold. During the suppression period, Whisper will send you a digest of messages that were suppressed. Once the frequency drops back to normal, message flow will continue as usual.
1. Where do I find it? http://eclecticlogic.github.io/whisper/ 2. What's the main use case for this? In conjunction with SMTP appender for error emails to prevent error email span when things go bad.3. What kind of license? Apache 2.04. Does Whisper suppress all messages? No, it only suppresses those messages that have exceeded the threshold. 5. What if my messages are similar but only vary by a couple of parameters? If you use the SLF4j api and use the parameterized log message format, then Whisper will suppress across parameterized messages.
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