[slf4j-user] Why 'simple' uses standard out?

Kostis Anagnostopoulos ankostis at gmail.com
Fri Feb 24 11:26:52 CET 2006

On 2/23/06, Ceki Gülcü <listid at qos.ch> wrote:
> Is the 'stdout' 'stderr' distinction really important to you or is it more
> a matter of preference?

My answer is No.          To both!

Here is why i say no to both of your questions:

I'm making text-parsing code that is used at the same time to a
cmd-line utility and to an EJB. So,
-it is not important *for me* because i use slf4j-log4j.jar in both
situations, and
-it is not just a matter of preference, because slf4j-simple.jar as it
is, is not an option for the cmd-line tool.  This is a defect!

I consider 'simple' useful for when to run in pre-1.4 VMs with no JDK
logging support and log4j is just too much.
That is why a really think the distinction is really important, in general.


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