[slf4j-user] Per Web App logging

Amir Mistric amistric at nemours.org
Mon Nov 20 21:32:59 CET 2006

Hello Everyone


My company would like to try SLF4J as a replacement for Log4J. 

Currently we use JBoss AS 4.x and the problem we had was that we could not
configure logging "per web application".

We ended up using RepositorySelector trick in order to be able to have a
separate log4j.xml in every web application deployed.

This approach, however, requires each web app to have a copy of log4j.jar in
its WEB-INF/lib......


Recently we decided to create a shared library repository for all web apps
we have. 

While this approach has reduced the "baggage" each web app had in its
WEB-INF/lib we still have to use log4j.jar ....


Our goal is simple. Have every web application running on the same app
server have its own logging config file but share the single JAR (or jars).


Can SLF4J accomplish this (using built in logback classic) for us?









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