[slf4j-user] How to configure properties in SLF4J ?

Thorbjoern Ravn Andersen ravn at runjva.com
Wed Mar 4 09:16:42 CET 2009

Farhan Bajwa skrev:
> You are right Andersen that SLF4J is just a facade which needs a binding to an actual logging framework, but why there are SLF4J classes included in SLF4J API (i.e. import org.slf4j.*)?
Because those are the classes YOU call from YOUR code.

Please read the documentation at http://slf4j.org/manual.html - 
hopefully it clarifies matters.  If not, please raise a issue in 
bugzilla regarding documentation improvement.

  Thorbjørn Ravn Andersen  "...plus... Tubular Bells!"

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