[slf4j-user] Grails (log4j) + ZK(jul) -> SLF4J with log4j

Ceki Gulcu ceki at qos.ch
Thu Mar 5 09:26:24 CET 2009


Please have a look at the SLF4JBridgeHandler javadocs:



madruga0315 wrote:
> Hello guys, 
> Im in a project with grails with log4j and zk with jul.
> I want to make zk logs output through log4j
> So I putted the slf4j-log4j12.jar, slf4j-api.jar and jul-to-slf4j.jar into
> my lib folder (all version 1.5.6)
> The logs from grails are using SLF4J (in my logs something like "logging to
> org.slf4j.impl.Log4JLoggerAdapter via org.mortbay.log.Slf4jLog"), my log4j
> conf is setted to info, and when some error is logged by zk (severe or
> fatal) apperently is logged normal with jul, and not using slf-log4j
> The site states "jul-to-slf4j present and SLF4JBridgeHandler added to root
> logger"
> I have no ideia what to do to implement "BridgeHandler added to root
> logger", can some one give me some points on this matter?
> Thank you,
> Madruga

Ceki Gülcü
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