[slf4j-user] Specify method name

Matt Sicker boards at gmail.com
Mon Feb 13 17:31:01 CET 2017

Well, I see three ways you can do this:

1. Enable location information in the pattern layout. This is slow,
however, but so is using java.util.logging instead.
2. Since you're already using Log4j 2, you can use log4j-api's
Logger.traceEntry() and Logger.traceExit() methods <
3. Emulate the tracing functionality by just using Logger.trace() with
markers for entry/exit.

2017-02-13 7:57 GMT-06:00 CARTEREAU Benjamin <benjamin.cartereau at cnav.fr>:

> Hello,
> I would like to log method entry/exit with slf4j through an Interceptor
> that knows the name of the called/intercepted method.
> I have found out that XLogger makes it possible to log that kind of
> activity (entry/exit of a method) but the method name cannot be specified.
> And since I am in an interceptor class and not the real class/method, I
> cannot rely on my logging implementation (log4j2) that could output the
> method name where the logging request was issued.
> Is there a way to accomplish this (like it is possible through JUL
> entering/exiting methods) or could it require XLogger evolutions ?
> Regards
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Matt Sicker <boards at gmail.com>
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