[cal10n-dev] Ant-Task

zeeman zeeman at zeeman.de
Thu Oct 29 18:45:54 CET 2009

Hi there!

I discovered this project via sl4j.
I like the idea and integrated cal10n in my project.

I've also written a small Ant task as requested by

Where can I submit it for a review?

It is like the maven-plugin (I guess):
> <taskdef name="verifyTask"
>	classname="ch.qos.cal10n.plugins.ant.VerifyTask" />
> <verifyTask>
>	<enumTypes>
>		<enumType>com.foo.somePackage.Colors</enumType>
>		<enumType>com.foo.otherPackage.Foods</enumType>
>	</enumTypes>
> </verifyTask>

and uses the MessageKeyVerifier as described in

Best regards,

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