[cal10n-dev] Eclipse plugin volunteer

Ceki Gülcü ceki at qos.ch
Fri Jul 23 13:09:09 CEST 2010

On 23/07/2010 12:28 PM, TBlack wrote:
> Hi, Ceki.
> The code is in a Subversion repository at XP-Dev.com.
> You can browse the code and see Trac tickets at these URLs:
> http://svn2.xp-dev.com/svn/ECal10n/trunk

Thanks. I checked out the code and intend to look at it closely. In the 
mean time, is there are build of the plugin somewhere that I can fetch?

> http://trac2.xp-dev.com/ECal10n/report/18
> The SVN URL should also work for an anonymous checkout, though I didn't test it
> myself.

I can confirm that anonymous checkout works.

> If you'd like read/write access you'll have to create an account
> there (http://www.xp-dev.com/register) and tell me your username, so that I can
> add you to the project.

Thank you for the offer but that's not necessary for the moment. 
However, I might take up the offer at a later stage.

> With regard to the code base, for now I'd keep it separate, just for the sake of
> simplicity (meaning: I won't have to migrate the source from SVN to git).
> Sometime in the future such migration could be done, though; I have no problem
> with that.


Even the source code for ecal1n is under  svn, you might like to 
publicize ecal10n via the cal10n web-site, i.e. http://cal10n.qos.ch. 
Would you be interested that?

> Angelo

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