[logback-user] Interest in JDK 1.4 builds?

Glen Marchesani glen at model3.net
Thu Sep 6 22:26:43 CEST 2007

My quick 2 cents about retroweaver and retrotranslator having used
retroweaver a fair bit and just heard of retrotranslator.  Looking at the
retorotranslator it looks like it does more to support jdk 5 features in jdk
1.4.  It looks like you can access annotations in a jdk 1.4 environment
which was not supported retroweaver the last time I used it...

On 9/6/07, Arthur Blake <blakesys at yahoo.com> wrote:
>  I personally hate having to support such an old JDK version, and I have
> tried to use the newer JDKs when possible.
> That being said, a client of one of my clients is a super large company
> that can throw their weight around, and they refuse to get off JDK 1.4 for
> some reason. (perceived stability I guess.)
> I know of another large banking company that has just made the move from
> JDK 1.3 to 1.4 (no joke.)
> It's up to you... but if you maintain active JDK 1.4 compatibility, it can
> only help to get Logback used by a wider audience.
> I also was thinking about using Logback on one of the above projects where
> I'm stuck on JDK 1.4, and the less support you have for it, the less
> inclined I would be to go down that route.
> The way I approach this on log4jdbc is to actually have two source trees
> (one for jdk1.4 & jdk 1.5/ jdbc 3 and one for jdk 1.6 & jdk 1.7 / jdbc 4.)
> This is a pain, but I can get away with it because it's such a small
> library.
> In my case it's a little bit different, but same principle.
> If I were to suddenly drop support for JDBC 3, maybe I'm wrong, but I
> think that almost nobody would use log4jdbc, because there is hardly any
> industry support for JDBC 4 yet at this point.
> By the way, "retroweaver" is a new one for me-- is it as good as/the same
> as the "retrotranslater" that is used for the same purpose?
> ----- Original Message ----
> From: Ceki Gulcu <listid at qos.ch>
> To: logback-user at qos.ch
> Sent: Thursday, September 6, 2007 1:29:50 PM
> Subject: [logback-user] Interest in JDK 1.4 builds?
> Hello all,
> Logback includes retro-weaver generated jars for JDK 1.4. However,
> there seems to be little interest in these JDK 1.4 jars. Calling
> retro-weaver increases logback's build time by a few seconds --
> seconds in which we can do more productive things.
> So, is there any interest in the JDK 1.4 build of logback? If not, I
> intend to remove JDK 1.4 support in logback for the next release.
> Cheers,
> --
> Ceki Gülcü
> Logback: The reliable, generic, fast and flexible logging framework for
> Java.
> http://logback.qos.ch
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