[logback-user] no log messages after redeployment

Ingo Siebert ingo.siebert at cas.de
Fri Jan 25 13:15:50 CET 2008


I use the JNDI switch for logback.

If I undeploy my application, the old JNDI context ist destroyed. That's 

But I redeploy the same application with the same context name, no 
logging messages are displayed.

If I restart Tomcat6 and the deployed application comes up, i see the 
messages again.

The libs which are needed by my application are stored in the 
tomcat6/sharedLib folder.

Any idea why the messages are missing?


This is my web.xml:




<!-- Detaches logger repositories. -->

   <description>JNDI logging context for this app</description>

   <description>URL for configuring logback context</description>

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