[logback-user] Logging in OSGI Enterprise Applications

ekkehard ekkehard at gentz-software.de
Fri Oct 31 14:49:09 CET 2008

I'm working on an OSGI client/server solution:

* Equinox as OSGI framework
* Eclipse Riena for Remote OSGI services, ObjectTransactions, UI
* EasyBeans as OSGI EJB3 - container
* Hibernate (JPA)
* Eclipse RCP
* SLF4J / LOGBack
* BusinessProcesses (jBPM) and BusinessRules (Drools)

* Eclipse (IDE, PDE, P2)

* Eclipse Modeling (openArchitectureWare, EMF, UML2)


just finished part 5 of my blog series

"Logging in OSGI Enterprise Applications":

Part 1: An overview
Part 2: How to catch all log events from "classic" logging - frameworks
Part 3: How to catch all log events from OSGI Log Services
Part 4: How to start logging bundles the right way inside an OSGI 
Enterprise application
Part 5: Configuration, Fragment-Bundles, Markers
there will be more in the future (Why LOGBack was choosen, Tooling / 
Eclipse PlugIns / Lilith)

... now I'm also starting a NEW blog series

"HowTo build an Equinox-Riena-EasyBeans-OSGI-Server"

if you follow this new blog series you'll get an OpenSource OSGI Server 
combining Riena and EasyBeans under Equinox -
of course logging done with LOGBack


blog in english: http://ekkes-corner.org
blog in german:  http://ekkes-ecke.org

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