[logback-user] SyslogAppender for logback access

Henning Juva henning.juva at gmail.com
Mon Jan 24 14:59:12 CET 2011


I've tried to get SyslogAppender to work for our jetty access log with no
success. The access log is configured correct and writes to a file. The
syslogappender also works on its own when I log to it from my application
log. When I add a syslogappender to logback-access.xml nothing happens.
After debugging logback I see that Syslogappender expects an IloggingEvent
and not an AccessEvent resulting in a classcast exception. I've
unsuccessfully tried to implement my own appender overriding syslogappender.

Does anyone have any tips on how to achieve this? Any tip/trick feedback
would be appreciated even if it's to confirm this is functionality not
implemented and not easily done.

Best regards,
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