[logback-user] About FileAppender in Logback
haobo liu
lhbazazazv at gmail.com
Fri Nov 1 08:09:28 CET 2019
I think triggeringPolicy need with RollingFileAppender. combine your
needs it may be necessary to implement a special implementation of
ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.TriggeringPolicyBase ;)
If there is a good way, please share,nice day
<Hasan.Birol at ing.com.tr> 于2019年11月1日周五 下午2:04写道:
> Dear Logback Team;
> Have a problem with logback .
> Have a logback.xml file find it below. Each thread has a single log file.
> However, cant recognize file is done or thread is done with looking the
> file. File is not locked or something (tried to lock the file by extending
> fileappender but cant succeed) . I don’t would like to write a code to get
> content of file which I mean, dont wanna write a some symbol to find out
> file is done. I also used, triggeringPolicy cant succeed..
> <appender name="SIFT" class="XXXXX.SiftingAppender">
> <discriminator>
> <key>fileLocation</key>
> <defaultValue>${user.home}\start.log</defaultValue>
> </discriminator>
> <sift>
> <appender name="FILE-${fileLocation}"
> class="ch.qos.logback.core.FileAppender">
> <file>${fileLocation}</file>
> <append>false</append>
> <encoder>
> <pattern>%msg%n</pattern>
> </encoder>
> </appender>
> </sift>
> </appender>
> I just would like to change extension when thread is done .log to .xml, or
> lock the file while end of the thread, or move the file end of the thread.
> Many many thanks.
> Have a nice day,
> *Hasan Birol*
> Yazılım Danışmanı - Software Consultant
> Yazılım Geliştirme Sistemleri ve Platform Uygulamaları Bölümü - Software
> Development Frameworks and Platform Applications
> *T: *
> *E: *Hasan.Birol at ing.com.tr
> <https://www.ing.com.tr>
> ------------------------------
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