[logback-user] logback issue

Yaer Dili yedili at thoughtworks.com
Sat Nov 2 04:46:58 CET 2019

hi there,
we are using logback in our spring boot application and all our logback
related configuration is in the `logback-spring.xml` file ad we configure
 `springProfile` for different environments in the xml file like this

<springProfile name="local,dev">
    <root level="DEBUG">
        <appender-ref ref="console"/>

after this configuration if we want to add other environment property, it
must be added to this `springProfile` first otherwise our application
failed to start with newly added property file.

for example if I just add a new property file called `application-uat.yml`
and directly start the application with this property file, our application
failed to start. for fixing this I need to add this property name in the
`SpringProfile` configuration like this `<springProfile name="local,dev,uat"

we think logback rather than directly block our app start should have a
default value for newly added property file, do you have anything to share
with us? thank you

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