[slf4j-dev] Re: TRACE level

Endre Stølsvik Endre at Stolsvik.com
Tue Jul 5 15:38:20 CEST 2005

| So, wdyt?

That this is basically the "Domains" concept destined for log4j?

It is neat. And it doesn't solve TRACE. They are orthogonal to each other. 
If one feel that they solve TRACE, then why not just get rid of -all- the 
levels, and just have "log.enter(Marker...)" methods?
  Level distinguishes the verbosity level -and- between production and 
development/debugging logging - on a general, -contractual- basis that is 
shared between all users of the logging framework, as opposed to any 
marker and/or category layout which both are totally freeform.

And the domains/Markers is pretty much solved with extra categories. One 
may also put the "marker category" at a lower level than leaves.
  People using the classname as category (logger name) won't immediately 
see this. But using a hierarchical setup of functional categories is way 
more interesting than using classnames (which simply convey redundant 
information), and at that point the domains/Marker concept doesn't bring 
very much.

.. But hey, add that too!


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