[slf4j-dev] [JIRA] Updates for SLF4J-471: CharSequence and varargs

QOS.CH (JIRA) noreply-jira at qos.ch
Thu Oct 21 23:58:00 CEST 2021

SLF4J / SLF4J-471 [Open]
CharSequence and varargs


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 1 comment

Endre Stølsvik on 21/Oct/21 11:47 PM
One basic reason for why CharSequence is better, is that a StringBuilder is a CharSequence. Right now, I am constructing a message with lots of ifs-and-buts, and then when I want to log it, i _have to_ do .toString() on it, creating a new object with a new char-array.

But the other is what OP mentions: You might want to pre-allocate log char arrays for a thread, and then reuse them - avoiding object creations. This would actually work nicely with StringBuilders, using setLength(0) to "clear" them.

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