[slf4j-user] Question on SLF4J - binding

Joachim Durchholz jo at durchholz.org
Wed Feb 22 22:54:48 CET 2017

On 22.02.2017 22:40, Chen, Richard - 2 wrote:
> Since I am bind to simple, I understand logging wouldn’t work, but will
> it cause any errors/issues for having it bind to simple?

Since the backend is a per-application decision, that decision should be 
made by the main program, not by any library (SLF4J was built 
specifically to allow libraries to do logging without committing to a 
specific backend).

If you want to see log output from your test code, then your test code 
should bind to a backend, yes.

That's why you typically add logging backends to the "test" scope in 
Maven: These are used just during testing and not made part of the 
generated jar files.


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